An Effective DWI Defense Attorney
A drunk driving arrest can be a costly, life-changing ordeal. Even if this is your first brush with the law, a drunk driving arrest and conviction will impact your life in many ways. The most important thing you can do is to hire an experienced DWI lawyer as soon as possible.
There have been many changes in Louisiana’s DWI laws since I first began my practice. I am well-versed and trained in all aspects of DWI law, from field sobriety tests to breath, urine and blood testing methods. These tools are not foolproof and are often prone to error and substantial integrity issues.
The outcome of your case is often time-sensitive, so act fast to protect your rights. Fines and penalties are significant and mandatory. Your personal liberty and ability to drive and support yourself and your family are at stake.
Act Quickly To Fight Your License Suspension
You might have been provided with a temporary permit to drive (usually for 30 days) upon arrest. Your driving privileges will be suspended 30 days from the date of arrest, even if you still possess a hard copy or duplicate of your license. This is automatic. You have the right to an administrative hearing to contest this suspension, but you must request this hearing within 30 days from the date of arrest. If you fail to do so, your license will be suspended for a minimum of three months, and it is very expensive, and sometimes impossible, to get a hardship license to drive during the suspension period. It is critical to contact me as soon as possible.
Keeping Your License In Your Hands
I do everything in my power to help you keep your license. This may include requesting an administrative hearing and representing you at the hearing. It may also involve petitioning the court for a temporary hardship license. I understand how critical your driver’s license is to getting to your job, driving your family around and participating in social activities. I put my full effort into preventing license suspension, since it is just as important to me as it is to you.
Straightforward Answers To Your Questions
Even though DWIs are one of the most common criminal charges, many people do not understand them very well. I have taken a few moments to answer some of my clients’ most frequently asked questions for you to read.
What are the penalties for a DWI conviction?
If you plead guilty to DWI or a court convicts you, you could face these sentences:
- A fine of $300 to $1,000
- Ten days to six months in jail
- License suspension
- Community service
- Probation
- Mandatory substance abuse treatment
A conviction on your record can also negatively affect your job, housing and education options.
What if I have previous DWIs?
The consequences become more severe for repeat offenders. For example, a second offense could result in:
- A fine of $750 to $1,000
- Thirty days to six months in jail
- License suspension for at least six months
The severity increases with a third, fourth or another DWI.
How does a temporary driver’s license work?
If the state suspends or revokes your license, you can petition for a temporary hardship license. This is a license that grants you restricted driving privileges. For example, with a hardship license, you may be able to drive to work and pick up your children from school, but nothing else.
Building A Solid DWI Defense
Your case may seem impossible, and your guilt may be presumed, but I will fully investigate every aspect of your case, for every possible defense. Often, evidence of intoxication can be thrown out if the police did not follow proper procedure regarding the stop, investigation or administration of intoxication tests. You will want your attorney to know the full extent of DWI law.
Contact Me Now To Discuss Your Case
From my office in Shreveport, I represent clients across the state. Call A.J. Hodges, IV - Attorney at Law, at 888-705-0788 to begin your free initial consultation. Or you can complete my email form.